Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mindsets Book Study - Chapter 8

Welcome Friends!
Once again I'm linking up with the Hello Sunshine teacher's blog for their book study on Mary Cay Ricci's Mindsets in the Classroom. Chapter 8 is about different Ways to Help Students Adopt a Growth Mindset?

I teach kindergarten so it is important to me that my students can understand the activities that Ricci recommended. First step to help my 5 year olds (with a few older 4 year olds) is to "preview". The teacher can point to her head and ask:
"Who knows what is in here?"
This question is simple enough for my students!
"What do we use our brain for?"
Another simple question!

Then comes the preassessment. Ricci provides a copy of a blank preassessment (please see below for a link to a FREEBIE that includes a similar preassessment) as well as some completed examples. This preassessment is perfect for my kinder kids because they love to draw. The sheet has a side view of the outline of a head. Students draw what they think the brain looks like inside. Teachers then analyze the drawing to determine their knowledge of the brain. 

Sample Learning Tasks
Ricci describes 5 learning tasks. The one that stood out to me and I plan on trying with my kinders is #2 Building a Neural Network. With this task you use thread (for new learning) and yarn (for a deeper understanding). This interactive activity is so visual that I believe my kinders will understand more of what happens when we learn something new.

Growth Mindset Reminders
You can find some ready to print inspiration quotes to put up around the classroom or school here:

Next up:
Chapter 9
What Are Some Ways School Staff Can Maintain a Growth Mindset School Culture?
 Hello Sunshine!


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